Our Team

Canadian Immigration Experts Team

Our people are as experienced, driven and aimed at clients’ success as they are intelligent and caring.
Our people are as experienced, driven and aimed at clients’ success as they are intelligent and caring.
along passionate colleagues who breathe enthusiasm and eagerness to our profession.
Principal Counsel / Founder, M.A., a Member of CCIC, #R412959 (College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants)

Verify Status with ICCRC

Lawyer, Member of the Barreau du Quebec and Law Society of Upper Canada
Chief Operations Officer
Customer Relationship Manager
Business Case Manager
Immigration Case Manager
Immigration Case Manager
Immigration Case Coordinator
Private Client Coordinator, Turkey region
Ruslana Ishchenko immigration Case Coordinator

Ruslana Ishchenko

Title: Immigration Case Coordinator
Immigration Coordinator
Dmitriy Lukyanov

Dmitriy Lukyanov

Partner / LLM in International Business Law.
Member of International Bar Association.
Incorporation Shells Holdings consultant
Immigration Case Coordinator for Nigeria Region
Hugn Nguyen

Hugn Nguyen

Case Coordinator for Vietnam Region
Mariana Oliveira
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