Updated on October 8, 2024 by canadian immigration experts
List For Required Medical Examinations

If a visitor wants to come to Canada for six months or less, he or she does not require a medical exam; unless he or she plans to work in certain occupations:
- workers in the health sciences field,
- clinical laboratory workers,
- patient attendants in nursing and geriatric homes,
- medical students admitted to Canada to attend university,
- medical electives and physicians on short-term locums,
- teachers of primary or secondary schools, teachers of small children,
- domestics,
- workers who give in-home care to children, the elderly and the disabled,
- day nursery employees,
- other similar jobs.
If a visitor wants to come to Canada for more than six months:
He or she will need a medical exam if a person:
He or she will need a medical exam if a person:
- have lived temporarily for six or more months in one or more of the countries or territories listed below in the one year immediately before the date of entering Canada. (This applies even if you are a citizen of a country that does not need a visa to enter Canada.)
- will come to Canada to work in an occupation in which public health must be protected.
- apply for a Parent And Grandparent Super Visa.
Please find the list of countries for which an immigration medical examination is required:
Afghanistan | Haiti | Nigeria |
Algeria | Honduras | Northern Mariana |
Angola | Hong Kong | Pakistan |
Armenia | India | Palau |
Azerbaijan | Indonesia | Panama |
Bangladesh | Iraq | Papua New Guinea |
Belarus | Island – Truk | Paraguay |
Bosnia-Herzegovina | Island – Yap | Peru |
Botswana | Islands – New Guinea | Philippines |
Belau – Republic of | Islands – Solomon | Ponape |
Brazil | Islands – U.S. Trust Terr. of Pacific | Qatar |
Benin | Kazakhstan | Romania |
Bhutan | Kenya | Russia |
Bolivia | Korea, North | Rwanda |
Brunei | Korea, South | Sabah |
Burkina Faso | Kosovo | Saharawi Arab Democratic Rep. |
Burma (Myanmar) | Kosrae | Sao Tome e Principe |
Burundi | Kyrgyzstan | Sarawak |
Cambodia | Laos | Senegal |
Cameroon | Latvia | Sierra Leone |
Cape Verde | Lesotho | Singapore |
Central African Republic | Liberia | Somali Republic |
Chad | Libya | South Africa – Rep. of |
China | Lithuania | Sri Lanka |
Comoros | Macao | Sudan |
Congo, Democratic Republic | Madagascar | Swaziland |
Djibouti | Maio | Taiwan |
Dominican Republic | Malawi | Tajikistan |
Ecuador | Malaysia | Tanzania |
El Salvador | Maldives | Thailand |
Equatorial Guinea | Mali | Tibet |
Eritrea | Mauritania | Timor-Leste |
Ethiopia | Moldova | Togo |
Fiji | Mongolia | Tunisia |
Gabon | Moorea | Turkmenistan |
Gambia | Morocco | Tuvalu |
Georgia | Mozambique | Uganda |
Ghana | Namibia | Ukraine |
Greenland | Nauru | Uzbekistan |
Guam | Nepal | Vanuatu |
Guatemala | New Britain | Vietnam |
Guinea | New Guinea Mainland | Wallis and Futuna |
Guyana | New Hebrides | Western Sahara |
Islands – Admiralty | New Ireland | Yemen |
Islands – Cooz | Nicaragua | Zambia |
Islands – Marshall | Niger | Zimbabwe |
Do you need to extend your stay in Canda? read about visitor visa extension.
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